Fast track

Sergej gricar`s 2017 Survey Question: I would like to ask you to write down what was outstanding (especially good) during your education.

Answer: “The fact that you manage to keep students active during the class without using PowerPoint and get students to think about the subject of the lesson. I also enjoyed the e-exams”.

Ongoing time series, visiting and SME  research projects.

Affiliated with the University of Novo Mesto Faculty of Economics and Informatics, Slovenia.

Ongoing intersectoral/international mobility related to SMEs and other companies.

Erasmus Mundus Basileus IV conducted by Ghent University, Belgium, to/at the University of Montenegro, Faculty of Economics.

First PhD obtained at the University of Primorska, Faculty of Management, Koper, Slovenia.

Second PhD obtained at the University of Rijeka, Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality Management, Rijeka, Croatia

Erasmus+ mobility at Linnaeus University, Växjö, Sweden and University of Vienna, Austria.

Research work on co-integration and the CVAR model at the University of Copenhagen, Department of Economics was granted by the Slovene human resources development and scholarship fund.

Research interests are in applied economics, unit-root (time-series) econometrics, tourism economics and tourism management.

Three young researcher awards were received.

SergejGricar page

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